Manthia Diawara
AI: African Intelligence
Teatro Municipal de Vila Real
09.01.2024, 17h30

Manthia Diawara, AI: African Intelligence, 2022, film still

Manthia Diawara AI: African Intelligence

AI: African Intelligence explores the contact zones between African rituals of possession among traditional fishing villages of the Atlantic coast of Senegal and the emergence of new technology frontiers known as Artificial Intelligence. Considering the confluence of tradition and modernity, Diawara questions how we could move from disembodied machines towards a more humane and spiritual control of algorithms. Could Africa be the context of emergence of such improbable algorithms?

AI: African Intelligence
A film by Manthia Diawara

Produced by Maumaus/Lumiar Cité

Commissioned by Gluon, Brussels

Supported by Snowball, Creative Europe, Horizon 2020 S+T+ARTS Programme of the European Union, Portuguese Ministry of Culture/Directorate General of the Arts


Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 148 - 3º C
1050-021 Lisboa, Portugal
Monday to Friday, 10h00 to 13h00,
14h30 to 19h00

Tel: + 351 21 352 11 55



Manthia Diawara
AI: African Intelligence

Auditório Fernando Lopes-Graça, Almada
14.11.2024, quinta-feira, 21h00

Dimitris Athiridis and Adam Szymczyk, moderated by Luísa Santos

CAM – Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian, Estúdio, 23.10.2024 | 19h00

exergue – on documenta 14 (2024) by Dimitris Athiridis

Culturgest, Auditório Emílio Rui Vilar
21.10. | 14h15 - 18h45 | Chapters 1 - 4
22.10. | 14h00 - 20h00 | Chapters 5 - 10
23.10. | 10h30 - 15h30 | Chapters 11 - 14


Problematising Reality

Programme 6
Beyond the White Screen

Les mains libres (1964) by Ennio Lorenzini
Émilie Goudal, Zineb Sedira

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Auditório 3, 31.10.2024 | 18h30


Amanda Boetzkes
Realism Without Authority
01.04, 04.04.2022
10h–13h, 14h–17h

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Registration is free but limited to the number of seats available. Please send an email with a short CV to by 24.03.2022. Confirmation of registration will be sent by email. The seminar will be in English.

Lumiar Cité

Rua Tomás del Negro, 8A
1750-105 Lisboa, Portugal
Wednesday to Sunday, 15h00 to 19h00
or by appointment.
Tel: + 351 21 755 15 70

Loretta Fahrenholz
Circle Navel Nil
24.04. – 27.06.2021

24.06 | 18h00 Online conversation with Sabeth

Buchmann, Loretta Fahrenholz and Jürgen Bock


Luisa Cunha
28.09. – 22.12.2024

20.01 | 16h00 Opening of the exhibition

16.03 | 17h00 Talk between Dozie Kanu

and Simon Thompson


Sid Iandovka & Anya Tsyrlina with Leslie Thornton & Thomas Zummer

A combined exhibition between
Lumiar Cité and Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg.

Lumiar Cité
27.04. – 28.07.2024

Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg
18.05. – 28.07.2024

27.04. – 28.07.2024 | Lumiar Cité

18.05. – 28.07.2024 | Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

A co-production by Lumiar Cité
and Artium Museum

14.10 | 17h00 Book launch with talk between

Alejandro Cesarco and
Miguel Wandschneider

| 18h00 Opening of the exhibition


Artium Museum, Vitoria-Gasteiz
24.03. – 24.09.2023


Lumiar Cité
14.10.2023 – 14.01.2024


The Educational Web
Kunstverein in Hamburg
01.04. – 06.08.2023

Closed 24, 25, 31 December and 1 January

Arne Kaiser and Jürgen Bock

In cooperation with Lumiar Cité:

Tiffany Chung
Thu Thiêm: an archaeological
project for future remembrance
08.06. - 08.09.2019

Johann Jacobs Museum

In co-production with Lumiar Cité:

Alejandro Cesarco
Other Recent Examples
24.03. - 24.09.2023

Artium Museum

The Educational Web
31.03. - 06.08.2023

Kunstverein in Hamburg

Maumaus/Lumiar Cité is funded by República Portuguesa – Cultura/Direção-Geral das Artes. With the support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa and Junta de Freguesia do Lumiar.

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